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How You Can Help

1. Volunteers As Christ Bearers

Compelled by the ever-increasing need to bridge generous donors to our fellow Filipinos who need help, Tanging Yaman is expanding its operations. You may help realize the dream of Tanging Yaman by giving a few hours of your week to help out in any of the following capacities:

An Office Volunteer.

I want to help in Tanging Yaman’s upcoming events by lending my skills in organizing, marketing, hosting, and/or wherever the office may need help.

A Tanging Yaman Networker.

I want to bring Tanging Yaman to my place and tell my friends about its work and mission.

A Professional.

I want to serve in my capacity as a doctor, lawyer, accountant, auditor, project head, etc. etc. etc. (as the King of Siam would say). Tanging Yaman lives because of the the generosity of its volunteers primarily. If you feel you have the spare time, and would like to help, kindly contact us.

2. Bring In Your Friends

Please invite your friends to visit our website, and browse through the many different pages where they may want to get involved. You may also subscribe to our regular newsletters.
3. Donations

You may deposit your cash or check donations for Tanging Yaman Foundation, Inc. via Metrobank Account: 448-7-44801314-2; BPI Account: 9601-0002-42. Moreover, we also accept donations via our online money transfer options: G-CASH and Paymaya, QR Codes below. For proper acknowledgement and tracking, kindly notify us and send a photo/screenshot of your transaction/deposit slip to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or via viber 0947-565-9544. 





Download a pldgeform here.

Finally, you can also donate online with your credit card. Click on the image below:

Copyright © 2025 Tanging Yaman Foundation, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Designed by Dennis Jimenez