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Tanging Yaman Foundation and FINEX Funds 52 Boats Built for Leyte-fisherfolk Through the Archdiocese of Palo

https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-g7Bv2FKXkmY/VQFVkEhpaoI/AAAAAAAAHNI/DK27f5GD0OM/w1094-h821-no/FINEX%2BBOATS%2BWITH%2BLOGO.jpgCompared with Tacloban Central, Palo, Leyte, did not take a “dead-center hit” from Typhoon Yolanda but its numerous fisherfolk families lost their sources of food and their livelihood’s treasured “bancas” & larger sea-going craft to 20-foot-high storm surges which destroyed these boats and carried them out to open sea.  Through the very able Chancellor of the Archdiocese of Palo - Fr. Ric Marpa -Tanging Yaman Foundation partnered with the Archdiocese to construct, in the very backyard of the Chancellor's ancestral home -  a total of 52 boats worth   P 1,330,000; twenty-two units of which were donated by the Financial Executives of the Philippines (FINEX).


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