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CHARIS-JMS-Tanging Yaman Mission Trip Report

http://www.tangingyaman.org/images/Gallery/PhotoGallery/BantayanIslandRehab/bantayan-0002.jpgOn the long drive to Hagnaya Port, from which we were to catch a ferry to Bantayan Island, Fr Mark shared with us an anecdote that another Jesuit had shared with him. A Filipino town was considered to have “made it” when branches of three establishments had opened in the town – an SM Department Store, a Mercury Drug Store and a Jollibee fast food outlet.

The department store and fast food outlet have yet to reach the shores of Bantayan. Yet this was the precise charm of the place, a pristine oasis of about 110 square kilometers and about a 4-hour journey away from Cebu City. An hour-long ferry from Hagnaya Port, about a 3-hour drive from Cebu City is the main port-of-entry to the island. Home to about 135,000 people, the main economic activities on the island are fishing and poultry, as evidenced by the many chicken farms on the island. It is also an increasingly popular resort destination.

TYF - Jesuit Mission Singapore - CHARIS Mission Trip



The Idyll of picturesque Kota Beach resort in Bantayan Island belies the underlying struggle of its residents to rise above the crushing difficulties wrought by Typhoon Yolanda/Haiyan. Headquarters to a party of 4 from Jesuit Mission Singapore for 6 days from 24 to 31 May 2015; Fr. Mark Aloysius S.J., (Jesuit  candidates) Andre Theng, Perry Yeo, and Jasper Ong, were joined by Fr. Gil Donayre S.J. (who flew in from Zamboanga City); for a community immersion which involved painting houses donated by Charis Singapore, planting fruit trees, repacking bulk school supplies into individual folders for distribution to students, and celebrating Flores-de-mayo mass for the children, concelebrated with Bantayan Island Santa Fe Parish Priest Fr. Roy Bucag. Throughout, Community organizer Anne Claire Ortega was on hand to "put the guests through their paces".

Singapore Charis & Jesuit Mission Singapore to Reimburse TYF Rehabilitation of 100 Houses in Bantayan Island

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-L336P3xSHO4/U6knU71NlXI/AAAAAAAAEu8/8BpsytW2fjs/w1230-h879-no/1.jpgUNIQUE FEATURES OF MODEL HOUSE:

In order to strengthen the houses of typhoon-stricken communities, structural engineers have suggested adding a DIAGONAL BRACE on each side of the house.

 https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-OlznMp0yqbA/U6knj7zbw-I/AAAAAAAAEzk/mDy121PZ794/w1285-h879-no/8.jpgBecause the diagonal brace has diminished space for windows, WOODEN LOUVRES have been added from floor to ceiling.

https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-MW_ELovnEOQ/U6kni4ReXaI/AAAAAAAAEzU/yYLD4UQvGrI/w1230-h879-no/6.jpgHomeowners will improve on this basic shelter along the way.  Based on their future plans, homeowners determine placement and number of WINDOWS.







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