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            The encounter with the Risen Lord is an experience of divine mercy.  Fearful of the Jewish religious leaders and the Roman authorities, burdened by the guilt of having betrayed their rabbi and dearest friend, the  disciples hide in the upper room where they celebrated their last supper with Jesus.   All of a sudden, the Risen Lord appears, declaring “Peace be with you.”  The Lord, whose last memory of his disciples, save the beloved, was of their desertion upon his arrest, offer peace.  The Lord does not reprimand them or demand an accounting; instead he offers once again his friendship and upon breathing his Spirit on them commissions them to forgive sins in his name. 

How humbling and transforming it must have been for the unfaithful disciples to be embraced as friends by the Risen Lord and to receive his forgiveness and trust anew.

            Moreover, the encounter with the Risen Lord banishes doubt and cynicism.  Thomas was not with the ten remaining disciples when the Lord appeared to them.  Skeptical of their accounts that he had appeared to them, he declared he would only believe upon seeing the Risen Lord.  Unexpectedly, the Lord reappears and personally addresses Thomas who upon placing his finger in the nailmarks of the Risen Jesus professes, “My Lord and my God.” 

How consoling and mind-altering it must have been for Thomas to be granted a vision of the Risen Lord just when his faith was fraying and his belief in the power of God’s goodness unraveling.

Further still, the encounter with the Risen Lord infuses courage to confront evil and withstand persecution.   In our Second Reading, we hear about John, not the beloved or the evangelist, but rather a leader of the fledging Christian communities, who is exiled in the island of Patmos for testifying to Jesus.  The Lord appears to him and reassures him, “Do not be afraid.  I am the first and last, the one who lives.”

How encouraging and revivifying for John of Patmos to be reassured of the Lord’s companionship amidst hardship and exile.

The mystery of the resurrection does not only unfold in the afterlife, but at present whenever the Lord of Life forgives and renews, reverses doubt and reassures, banishes fear and instills courage.  Then, we are reborn and live anew. 

And so in our First Reading we hear of the wonders the disciples who had emerged from the dark of the upper room had performed in the Lord’s name—the sick were healed and the possessed liberated.  The gift of the resurrection bestows on us new life here and now.


We have lost two outstanding Filipinos the last two days, Vicente “Ting” Jayme and Felipe “Fil” Alfonso.    Ting Jayme co-founded NAMFREL, Finance Secretary during the administration of President Corazon Aquino, co-organizer of the Federation of Free Workers and president of the Philippine Chamber of Industries, among others, has advocated just wages, fought for the restoration of our democracy and civil rights, and exemplified integrity in public service.  Fil Alfonso, president and CEO of the Asian Institute of Management, lawyer, teacher and mentor, has spent decades advocating rural development, humane management and corporate social responsibility.

I was fortunate to have known these two edifying individuals, both brilliant yet unassuming, accomplished yet humble, valiant yet gentle, dedicated to transforming secular society yet profoundly spiritual, patriots concerned with nation-building yet completely devoted to their families.

Two exemplary men of remarkable competence and unblemished integrity, luminous generosity and awe-inspiring faith in the Lord.  If not for the resurrection of Jesus then their lives and life-time sacrifices for others would have no eternal significance.  Their labors and services would only be meaningful till the last ripple of their influential lives, till the last memory of their greatness of mind and heart fades.  However, even though generations ahead forget their names and their merits, God Eternal will remember them for all time and invite them to participate in God’s eternity.  Indeed God will remember all of us and immortalize us and bequeath all our loving works with eternal significance. I believe so.  Because he is risen.

Philippine Star
7 April 2013

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